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Are White Dwarfs a part of the scientific focus of Consortium Surveys?
What is the planned overlap in targets with existing and future space/ground surveys of the sky?
Will 4MOST observations incorporate cadence for investigation of variable objects?
Do Consortium Surveys plan to observe low-mass stars and what are the 4MOST limitations in that regard?
What are the target magnitude ranges for galaxy observations?
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Survey Management
What are the currently planned consortium surveys?
Can one institute apply for more than one Community survey?
What is the maximum possible allocated observing time for a Community survey?
Can a Community survey have similar scientific goals to one of the Consortium surveys?
What is the difference between non-participating and participating Community surveys?
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Observing Strategy
What is 4FS?
How much time will there be between consecutive exposures?
What is the strategy for the flat field and calibration exposures?
Will there be repeat observations for failed exposures?
How will the quality checks contribute to optimising observations?
Data Processing and Management
What formats will be available to download the spectra?
What type of data will be produced?
Can a Community survey make use of the Consortium survey's reduction and analysis pipelines?
Are individual science, flat and calibration exposures accessible?
How can I get an account for accessing the archive?
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The 4MOST Instrument
How long does it take for the fibre positioner to configure the whole field?
How many fibres will be allocated to sky?
How will the fibre deterioration be accounted for?
What is the type of the optical fibres used?
Are there two focal plates that exchange between observed fields?
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I'm having trouble creating a 4MOST Helpdesk account
I can't login on www.4most.eu
Basic Git operations
The 4FS ETC website is not working or producing errors
I can't delete my ruleset/catalogue
I have a dependency problem with my ruleset
How are templates scaled to their target magnitude?
How many targets should I use and is there an upper limit?
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