For up-to-date information, please refer to the Whitepapers or the Science Survey Plans of the respective surveys.
Information below is at the time of writing (April 2019).
S5 Galaxy Clusters
The clusters survey aims to obtain data on approximately 1.7 million targets, comprising 40,000 clusters, at an expected completeness of 95% and a peak target density of 6 targets per arcmin squared. The redshift ranges of these targets will be between 0 < z < 1.4.
The AGN survey will obtain more than one million targets over the redshift range 0 < z < 6.5, with a redshift completeness of 90% and a target density of ~ 80 to 270 per degree squared.
S7 Galaxy Evolution (WAVES)
S7 will obtain samples of ~ 10^6 galaxies for both WAVES-Wide and WAVES-Deep, with the wide survey redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.13 and the deep survey targeting redshifts out to z = 0.8. The redshift completeness of both surveys will be > 90% (goal: 95%) of the total target population.
S8 Cosmology Redshift Survey
For the redshift survey, the number of total targets is expected to be 14.9 million, consisting of ELGs (Emission Line Galaxies), LRGs (luminous red galaxies) and QSOs (quasars), with the former two being measured up to a redshift of around 1, and the QSOs out to redshifts of up to 3.5. The target density will be in the region of 400 per degree squared. In terms of redshift completeness, based on the eBOSS survey which uses very similar selection criteria and redshift ranges, we require a success rate of > 95% for LRGs and low redshift galaxies (i.e. all z < 0.5 targets), > 80% for ELGs and > 50% for QSOs. Success is judged by whether a redshift has been determined.