Non-participating survey
Observational Block
Observational Block Description
Operations Development Group
Operations Manager
Operations Rehearsal
OpSim4MOST Operations Simulator, software which simulates the entire strategy of a 5 year survey, part of 4FS, see description of survey simulation
Operations System
Provisional Acceptance Chile
Preliminary Acceptance Europe
PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of Stars, an ESA space mission designed to carry out photometric monitoring in the optical band in order to detect planets. Due to launch in 2026.
Project Manager
Project Office, located at AIP
PSProject Scientist, 4MOST has two Project Scientists, one for Galactic and one for extragalactic science
Public Survey    An ESO Public Survey is an observing programme with a science case and scope comprehensive enough to be of significant legacy value to the astronomical community at large; raw data are publicly available immediately in ESO's SAF, processed data and higher level data products are required to be delivered back to ESO for publication on a pre-defined schedule; all 4MOST Surveys will be Public Surveys


ESO's Science Archive Facility
SCBScience Coordination Board, represents the 4MOST Surveys and consists of all Consortium and Community Survey PIs, the 4MOST PI (no voting rights), the 4MOST PSs (no voting rights) and the ESO 4MOST PS (no voting rights). It is the central body in charge of the planning  of  the  4MOST  science  programme, see Science Team Policies
Square Kilometre Array, an international effort to build the world's largest radio telescope, with eventually over a square kilometre of collecting area, to be built in South Africa and Australia, due to enter science observations in the mid 2020s
Spherically Mounted Retroreflector
Science Policy Board
Survey Programme Validation
Spectral Success Criteria - The rules used by DMS when evaluating a spectrum to assess whether the target needs further exposure time or not. In many cases, these criteria will be the signal-to-noise level at a certain point in the spectrum, in other cases the criterion could be a successful redshift measurement.
Survey PISurvey Principal Investigator, responsible leader of a 4MOST survey
TiDESTime-Domain Extragalactic Survey, extragalactic transient survey, one of the 4MOST Consortium Surveys, see description of Extragalactic Surveys
Template Reference Manual
VISTAVisible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy, the 4-m telescope on which the 4MOST instrument will be mounted, operated by ESO at its Paranal Observatory in Chile
Very Large Telescope
WAVESWide Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey, Galaxy Evolution Survey, one of the 4MOST Consortium Surveys, see description of Extragalactic Surveys
WFCWide Field Corrector, see description of instrument subsystems
WFSWavefront Sensor, see description of instrument subsystems