AAO-MQ | Australian Astronomical Optics - Macquarie University |
A&G camera | Acquisition and Guiding camera, see description of instrument subsystems |
AESOP | Australian-European Southern Observatory Positioner, see description of instrument subsystems |
AHM | All Hands Meeting |
AIP | Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, lead institute of the 4MOST Consortium |
AIT | Assembly, Integration, Test |
AL2 | Additional L2 Data |
APOGEE | Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment |
CaCW | Cassegrain Cable Wrap |
CASU | Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit |
CCB | Configuration Control Board |
CfLoI | Call for Letters of Intent |
CfP | Call for Proposals |
CIS | Cassegrain Installation Stand |
CMM | Coordinate Measuring Machine |
CoC | Code of Conduct |
COG | Centre of Gravity |
Consortium | The 4MOST Consortium is the group of institutes responsible for designing and building the 4MOST Facility, and for operating the instrument jointly with ESO |
CRS | Cosmology Redshift Survey, one of the 4MOST Consortium Surveys, see description of Extragalactic Surveys |
DL2 | Deliverable L2 Data |
DMS | Data Management System, 4MOST system that will reduce, analyse, validate, and publish all data |
DS | DocuShare |
DXU | Data eXchange Unit, format for a given 4MOST data product, see description of data products |
eROSITA | extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array, an X-ray imaging instrument to be launched in 2019, which will perform an all-sky survey |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ESO | European Southern Observatory, the organisation which owns and operates the VISTA telescope |
ESPRESSO | Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations |
ETC | Exposure Time Calculator |
Euclid | An optical/near-infrared space telescope to be launched by ESA in 2021 |
EXB | Executive Board |
FCHW | Facility Control Hardware |
FCSW | Facility Control Software |
Fibre-hour | One hour of observing with one fibre |
Field-of-View (FoV) | The size of the area on-sky that 4MOST can observe with one pointing |
Figure-of-Merit (FoM) | A quantity describing how much progress a 4MOST survey has made towards meeting its requirements during operations |
FP | Fibre Positioner |
FROG | Fourmost operational Rehearsals Observational data Generator |
Gaia | An ongoing ESA space mission designed to measure astrometry and photometry of more than one billion stars in the Milky Way. Gaia data will form the basis of the 4MOST Galactic Surveys' input catalogues. |
GTO | Guaranteed Time Observations, in exchange for building 4MOST, the Consortium will receive 70% of the time available on 4MOST over the course of the five years |
HRS | High Resolution Spectrograph, see description of instrument subsystems |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
IWG | Infrastructure Working Group |
JOG | Joint Operations Group |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
L0, L1, L2 | Different types of data products, see description of data products |
LAR | Local Acceptance Review |
LDLS | Laser-Driven Light Source |
LoI | Letters of Intent, expression of interest by a member of the ESO community to propose for a Public Survey using 4MOST, see this description of the selection process for Community Surveys |
LRS | Low Resolution Spectrograph, of which 4MOST will have two, see description of instrument subsystems |
LSST | Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, an 8.4-m telescope currently under construction, with full operations scheduled for 2022. LSST will image the entire available sky every few nights for 10 years, in order to provide time-domain science. |
MAIT | Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Test |
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Created by: Joerg Knoche
Modified on: Thu, 18 Aug, 2022 at 1:28 PM
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